Java Threads and Concurrent Locks with Examples
From the onset Java has provided concurrency and multi-threading support built in. Since this time there have been many problems associated with multithreaded applications because of bad usage, developer errors or poorly laid out classes that led to deadlocks, starvation, race conditions or other concurrency related bugs. Java has made some progress by deprecating many of the methods that led to these conditions, these included Thread.stop(), Thread.suspend(), Thread.resume(), and Thread.destroy(). Don’t get me wrong, I think Java’s synchronized keyword allows us to synchronize critical sections in an easy manner, but sometimes we may require more control over synchronization. Enter the concurrent package released as part of JDK 1.5.
During the early part of Java development, around 1998, Doug Lea, a professor of computer science at the State University of New York Oswego released version 1.0 of the Concurrency Utilities package which would later be included into JDK 1.5 via the JSR 166. This JSR was overseen by many other experts in the field including Joshua Bloch, Sam Midkiff, David Holmes, Joseph Bowbeer and Tim Peierls.
During this tutorial we will focus primarily on using the concurrent utilities and how these can make concurrent programming easier for us.
Java Thread Locking Mechanism
In our tutorial, “Java Synchronization and Thread Safety Tutorial with Examples” we discussed the concept of thread safety and how the Java built-in synchronization using synchronized keyword can allow multiple thread execution without leading to race conditions when modifying a critical resource. If you still feel you need a full refresher on that topic please visit the post for more information.
Let’s look at the critical resource section which increments the counter using synchronized approach.
public synchronized void increment() { counter++; } public synchronized long getCounter() { return counter; }
Let’s rework this simple example using concurrent ReentrantReadWriteLock mechanism. In order to provide a better use-case for our example, let’s propose the following changes as ReentrantReadWriteLocks can improve concurrency especially when there are more reader threads than writer threads, and where implementing synchronization would lead to too much contention. In my example, I have modified the application to simulate that there are five (5) reader threads which only obtain the counter value and two (2) writer threads which are performing the update operations. In my example, I am simply incrementing a counter, as I wanted to keep it simple for folks to follow.
Concurrent Locks Examples
- Lock – The Lock interface provide much more functionality than it currently possible using Java’s basic synchronized keyword semantics in blocks or methods.
- Condition – Works very similar to Object monitor (wait, notify and notifyAll) methods however, using Condition allows you to bind to the lock instance and create multiple wait-sets
- ReadWriteLock – This type of lock maintains a pair of locks associated with it. One for reading (readlock) and one for writing (writelock). This type of lock makes sense when there are many simultaneous readers and few writers or when few writes are being performed on the shared resource. As the frequency of writes increases the more chances of this type of lock becoming less suitable. However, you may need to perform some profiling tests to ensure this is the right type of lock for the job.
- ReentrantLock – This implementation of the interface looks and functions in quite the same way as does the intrinsic lock using synchronized keyword in Java. Both of these locks are reentrant, which means that if another method or block of code has already locked the monitor it can call the lock method again without blocking. In addition, it supports a fair mode flag, when true, threads contend for entry using an approximately arrival-order policy. This means that threads are granted access based on waiting time, the threads that have waited the longest are granted access first. The default is false.
- ReentrantReadWriteLock – This lock has the same reentrant characteristics as Reentrant lock but with a ReadWriteLock implementation.
Lock Interface Methods
Method | Description |
lock() | Used to acquire the lock. If the lock is not available, the current thread will wait until the lock is released and can be acquired. |
lockInterruptibly() | Used to acquire the lock. If the lock is not available, the current thread will wait until the lock is released and can be acquired. This implementation is allowed to be interrupted and resume execution via the InterruptedException. (NOTE: According to Oracle, the ability to interrupt the lock acquisition in some implementation may not be possible) |
newCondition() | Works very similar to Object monitor (wait, notify and notifyAll) methods however, using Condition allows you to bind to the lock instance and create multiple wait-sets. This is a similar replacement of the Objects monitor methods. |
tryLock() | Attempts to acquire the lock if it is available at the time is it called. It will return true when the lock is acquired, otherwise it returns false. |
tryLock(long time, TimeUnit unit) | Attempts to acquire the lock if it is available at the time is it called but will wait for a given amount of time (using unit). It will return true when the lock is acquired, otherwise it returns false if the timeout has elapsed. (Timeunit: DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLISECONDS, MICROSECONDS, NANOSECONDS) |
unlock() | Releases the lock. |
Concurrent Locking Mechanism using ReentrantLock
package com.avaldes.tutorials; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; public class ReentrantLockExample { private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private double AccountFunds = 0; public void calculateFundReturns(double amount) { lock.lock(); // Always surround with try/catch block try { AccountFunds = calculateFunds(amount); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public double getFundReturns() { lock.lock(); // Always surround with try/catch block try { return AccountFunds; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public double calculateFunds(double amount) { double funds = 0; // doSomething to calculate funds ROI return funds; } }
Concurrent Locking Mechanism using ReentrantReadWriteLock
package com.avaldes.tutorials; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; public class ReentrantReadWriteLockExample { private static long counter = 0; private static volatile boolean isActive = true; // Use Fair Locking Mode private final static ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true); private final static Lock readLock = lock.readLock(); private final static Lock writeLock = lock.writeLock(); public static long increment() { writeLock.lock(); try { counter++; return counter; } finally { writeLock.unlock(); } } public static long getCounter() { readLock.lock(); try { return counter; } finally { readLock.unlock(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { Thread reader1 = new Thread(new Reader(), "Reader_1"); Thread reader2 = new Thread(new Reader(), "Reader_2"); Thread reader3 = new Thread(new Reader(), "Reader_3"); Thread reader4 = new Thread(new Reader(), "Reader_4"); Thread reader5 = new Thread(new Reader(), "Reader_5"); Thread writer1 = new Thread(new Writer(), "Writer_1"); Thread writer2 = new Thread(new Writer(), "Writer_2"); writer1.start(); writer2.start(); reader1.start(); reader2.start(); reader3.start(); reader4.start(); reader5.start(); // Make the Main Thread sleep for 100 milliseconds // then set isActive to false to stop all threads try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } isActive = false; } private static class Reader implements Runnable { public void run() { // tight loop using volatile variable as active flag for proper shutdown while (isActive) { try { readCounter(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.format("%s was interrupted...\n", Thread.currentThread().getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void readCounter() { long c = getCounter(); System.out.format("%s: Current runCount is %05d...\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), c); try { Thread.sleep(5); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static class Writer implements Runnable { public void run() { // tight loop using volatile variable as active flag for proper shutdown while (isActive) { try { writeCounter(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.format("%s was interrupted...\n", Thread.currentThread().getName()); e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void writeCounter() { long c = increment(); System.out.format("%s: Incrementing runCount %05d...\n", Thread.currentThread().getName(), c); try { Thread.sleep(15); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
Output of ReentrantReadWriteLock
I decided to make the reader threads sleep only for 5ms and the writer threads for 15ms so that the reader activities would, on average, outweigh the writer activities 3 to 1. Looking at the output you can see how the reader threads and certainly getting access to the critical resource far more often then are the writer threads.

Writer_1: Incrementing runCount 00001... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00002... Writer_2: Incrementing runCount 00002... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00002... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00002... Writer_1: Incrementing runCount 00004... Writer_2: Incrementing runCount 00003... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00004... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00004... Writer_1: Incrementing runCount 00005... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00005... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00006... Writer_2: Incrementing runCount 00006... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00006... Writer_1: Incrementing runCount 00008... Writer_2: Incrementing runCount 00007... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00006... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00008... Writer_1: Incrementing runCount 00009... Writer_2: Incrementing runCount 00010... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00008... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00010... Writer_2: Incrementing runCount 00011... Writer_1: Incrementing runCount 00012... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00010... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00012... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00012... Writer_1: Incrementing runCount 00014... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00013... Writer_2: Incrementing runCount 00013... Reader_3: Current runCount is 00014... Reader_2: Current runCount is 00014... Reader_1: Current runCount is 00014... Reader_4: Current runCount is 00014... Reader_5: Current runCount is 00014...
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