MongoDB Tutorials – Installation, Basics, Core, JAX-RS and Spring Data Examples
MongoDB Tutorials – Installation, Basics, Core, JAX-RS and Spring Data Examples
MongoDB is a open-source document-oriented database written in C++ and C and licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License and the Apache Licenses. It is classified as a NoSQL database using JSON-like formatted documents for the data model. Although there are several other NoSQL databases on the market today, mongoDB is by far, the most popular one.
Instead of using tables for storage of its data like a traditional RDBMS, mongoDB stores its data in collections. A collection holds one or more documents, which are the equivalent of records or rows of data in a relational database system. Each of these documents contain one or more fields, which corresponds to columns in a traditional table in a RDBMS.
There are several differences though, chief among these is the fact that in traditional tables in relational databases a table shares the same set of columns. However, documents in a collection may have a different set of fields. That is, documents do not necessarily have to have the same set of fields. MongoDB collections work just fine if you add fields to some documents and not others. We will demonstrate this later, in another set of tutorials.
MongoDB Basics and Core Examples
- MongoDB Setup – Installation, Configure and Set up Windows Service
This MongoDB Setup -tutorial will guide you through installation, configuration setup and show you how to configure MongoDB as a Windows Service. - MongoDB Shell Basics – Insert, Update, Find, Delete and Indexing
In this, MongoDB Shell Basics tutorial we will take you through the basics of using the mongo shell to create, update, delete and find documents in collections. In addition we will show you howto create indexes in collections. - MongoDB Basics – Finding Distinct Values, Using Sort and Finding the Number of Documents in a Collection
In this tutorial we learn about how to use Distinct to find unique fields within a document. In addition, we learn about using Sort and Count methods in MongoDB. - MongoDB Basics – Aggregation and Group Examples Tutorial
In this tutorial we learn about how to use aggregation operations to process data matching a certain criteria and perform some operation to return computed results. - Connecting to MongoDB using JDBC
The JDBC API defines a set of interfaces and classes that all major database providers adhere to in order allow Java developers to seamlessly connect to many Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). All major vendors provide their own JDBC drivers which contain a set of java classes that enables you to connect to that particular database. - Java Connecting to MongoDB 3.2 Examples
In this tutorial, Java Connecting to MongoDB 3.2 Examples we will show you different ways to connect to the latest version of MongoDB using Java and their mongo java driver (mongo-java-driver-3.2.0.jar). - MongoDB Java CRUD Operations Example Tutorial
In this tutorial we will focus on using CRUD Operations (Create, Read, Update and Delete) with the latest version of MongoDB using Java and MongoDB Java Driver (mongo-java-driver-3.2.0.jar). We will focus our efforts on insertOne, updateOne, replaceOne, findOneAndUpdate and findOneAndDelete. - MongoDB Java using Find and Query Operations Example Tutorial
In this tutorial we will focus on using Find and Query Operations to retrieve data from a MongoDB collection. We will concentrate on using the following MongoDB operators: ($gt, $lt, $gte, $lte, $in, $nin, $and and $or) with the latest version of MongoDB using Java and MongoDB Java Driver (mongo-java-driver-3.2.0.jar).
Jersey JAX-RS MongoDB Examples
- Upload and Download Multiple Binary Files using MongoDB
In this tutorial we are going to develop multiple file upload and file download capability using RESTful web service using JAX-RS and Jersey storing the contents of files into MongoDB Database using a powerful feature in MongoDB for managing large files called GridFS. - File Upload and Download using MongoDB
In this tutorial we are going to develop file upload and file download capability using RESTful web service using JAX-RS and Jersey storing the contents of files into MongoDB Database using a powerful feature in MongoDB for managing large files called GridFS.
Spring Data MongoDB Examples
- Building a Realtime AngularJS Dashboard using Spring Rest and MongoDB — Part 1
In this post will show you how to build a RESTful web service using Spring MVC 4.0.6, Spring Data for MongoDB 1.6.1 so that we can integrate our Realtime Dashboard Web Application with a highly efficient datastore (MongoDB 3.0). This tutorial will be making extensive use of the SIGAR libraries to gather system statistics from the host operating system where the services reside. - Spring MVC RESTful Web Service Example with Spring Data for MongoDB, AngularJS, Bootstrap and Grid-UI
In this post will show you how to build a RESTful web service using Spring MVC 4.0.6, Spring Data for MongoDB 1.6.1 so that we can integrate Bootstrap/AngularJS Web Application with a highly efficient datastore (MongoDB 2.6). Additionally, this tutorial we will walk you through building the web service and NoSQL database backend and illustrate you how to implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations. - Building DHTMLX Grid Panel User Interface with Spring MVC Rest and MongoDB Backend
In this tutorial we will show how easy it is to use DHTMLX dhtmlxGrid component while loading JSON data with Ajax pulling in data from the Spring MVC REST web service from our MongoDB data source. You will see how simple it is to create a visually appealing experience for your client(s) with minimal javascript coding. - Spring MVC RESTful Web Service Example with Spring Data for MongoDB and ExtJS GUI
This post will show another example of how to build a RESTful web service using Spring MVC 4.0.6, Spring Data for MongoDB 1.6.1 so that we can integrate the web application with a highly efficient datastore (MongoDB 2.6). In this tutorial we will walk you through building the web service and NoSQL database backend and show you how to implement a CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations.
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