Eclipse Luna Cheat Sheet

Eclipse Luna

Eclipse has been a staple among Java developers for many years now, and my favorite all-time IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Shortcuts can make a developer’s life easier and more productive when you are working with any IDE. As you will see, Eclipse comes with a slew of shortcuts that is sure to to please any developer.
You can download the PDF cheatsheet one-pager, but clicking here Download PDF


Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Alt + Shift + NCreates New Project, File, Class, etc
Ctrl + NCreates New Project via Wizard
Ctrl + WClose current file
Ctrl + SSave current file
Ctrl + Shift + SSave All files
F5Refresh content of resource
Ctrl + PPrint
Alt + EnterShow Properties Dialog


Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Ctrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YRedo
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
DelDelete current or selected text
Ctrl + ASelect All Text
Alt + Shift + UpExpand selection to enclosing element
Alt + Shift + RightExpand selection to next element
Alt + Shift + LeftExpand selection to previous element
Alt + Shift + DownRestore last selection
F2Show tooltip information
Ctrl + SpaceContent Assistance
Alt + /Word Completion (after typing at least one letter)
Ctrl + 1Quick Fix


Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Ctrl + /Toggle Comments
Ctrl + Shift + /Add Block Comment
Ctrl + Shift + Remove Block Comment
Alt + Shift + JGenerate Element Comment
Ctrl + ICorrect Indentation
Ctrl + Shift + FFormat all code in editor
Ctrl + Shift + MAdd import statements
Ctrl + Shift + OOrganize all imports


Keyboard ShortcutDescription
F3Open Declaration
F4Open Type Hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt + HOpen Call Hierarchy
Shift + F2Open Attached Javadoc
Ctrl + Shift + TOpen Type
Ctrl + Shift + HOpen Type Hierarchy
Ctrl + F12Open Task
Ctrl + F9Activate Task
Ctrl + Shift + F9Deactivate Task
Alt + Shift + BShow in Breadcrumb
Ctrl + OQuick Outline
Ctrl + TQuick Type Hierarchy
Ctrl + .Next Annotation
Ctrl + ,Previous Annotation
Ctrl + QLast Edit Location
Ctrl + LGo to Line
Ctrl + Shift + DownJump to previous method
Ctrl + Shift + UpJump to next method
HomeJump to beginning of indentation. Hit Home again to jump to beginning of line
Ctrl + HomeJump to beginning of source
Ctrl + EndJump to end of source
Ctrl + RightJump one word to the right
Ctrl + LeftJump one word to the left


Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Ctrl + HSearch
Ctrl + Shift + LQuick Search
Ctrl + FFind/Replace Dialog
Ctrl + KFind Next
Ctrl + Shift + KFind Previous
Ctrl + JIncremental Find Next
Ctrl + Shift + JIncremental Find Previous
Ctrl + GFind Declaration in Workspace
Ctrl + Alt + GFind in Workspace
Ctrl + Shift + GFind Reference in Workspace


Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Ctrl + BBuild Entire Project
Ctrl + F11Run
Ctrl + Shift + BToggle Breakpoint
F5Step Into
Ctrl + F5Step into selection
F6Step Over
F7Step Return
F8Skip to next breakpoint
Ctrl + RRun to line
Shift + F5Use step filters


Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Ctrl + Shift + Toggle Split Screen Editor (Horizontal)
Ctrl + Shift + {Toggle Split Screen Editor (Vertical)
Alt + Show System Menu
Ctrl + 3Quick Access
Ctrl + MToggle Active Window
F12Activate Editor Window
Ctrl + F6Next Editor (Vertical)
Ctrl + Shift + F6Previous Editor
Ctrl + Shift + ESwitch to Editor
Ctrl + F7Next View
Ctrl + Shift + F7Previous View
Ctrl + F8Next Perspective
Ctrl + Shift + F8Previous Perspective


Keyboard ShortcutDescription
Alt + Shift + Q , CConsole
Alt + Shift + Q , DDeclaration
Alt + Shift + Q , LError Log
Alt + Shift + Q , JJavaDoc
Alt + Shift + Q , OOutline
Alt + Shift + Q , PPackage Explorer
Alt + Shift + Q , XProblems
Alt + Shift + Q , SSearch
Alt + Shift + Q , KTask List
Alt + Shift + Q , TType Hierarchy
Alt + Shift + Q , QOther Views

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